Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"Studies" :p

I was and still am pretty lousy at studying , it is actually difficult for me to concentrate on something really boring for more than 5 mins. Good thing i can remember and understand things pretty i was a normal kid with abnormal tendency of finishing my work fast and disturbing everyone else. Never paid much attention to studies but with the "guidance" i.e. ruthlessly beaten (over exaggeration) by parents i managed to keep on with it. you can say i was a average student just because i was least interested in studying . But i managed to crack IIT , lol yeah IIT pretty amazing huh. so let me start , my studies started from a small village and there was just one english medium school. it wasnt that big or "elite" , but thats where i started . oh yes i forgot my dad used to teach me at home mostly grammar, now that i remember it was more of a shouting and scolding session. but i got used to it, so what i would do is, learn the things my dad wanted to hear and let my big brother get all the action. My mother tells me that the first day of school i would let her go home, i was asking her to sit in the class with me, seems pretty lame now. i was there for 3 years finished through  kinder-garden, my dad was on a transferable job, so we moved to another city. As i mentioned i wasnt at all interested in studying, so i wasted a year without going to one. then i got admission in a school. and it was all normal , it was easy for me cant say the same for my mother . as she had to face my principal for my deeds occasionally. that school was pretty good until the principal ran away with his personal assistant. then i asked my parents for a change of school. and luckily i managed to get admission in one of the best schools probably in the state. i have no idea how i cracked that exam but out of approximately hundred only 2 were selected , and i was one of them. Now the life took a twist , i didnt knew about engineering or IIT till then. then when i entered this school i heard IIT is like the most amazing college and everyody wants to be there. I casually said i will go to IIT. i never knew how tough it was to crack the entrance exam. Now i had a dream the only thing i needed to do was study. Also the new school was only boys, they did make it co-ed but girls were 2 years juniors to us. and we were shameless we would hit on them. or the girls in 10+2 .so until matriculation things were going fine..................

Monday, November 17, 2014

The beginning ..

It's difficult where to start from, lets take it from the beginning ? No ! , Oh come on it will be interesting. i want to cover all the issues and mishaps with this society. yes right society ! i.e. people. so, i was dark and a bit chubby kid, my childhood was like every other middle class Indian child. I was mischievous and when i was little i could tell the model of a vehicle by its sound. I am gifted in lot other ways too. and in this life till now i have had fair share of adventures. Like it is said experience helps you gain wisdom. and when today i look back at all the events from my life i see it from a different perspective and realize how bad the society has screwed themselves. Today the definition of animal suits more to the humans and animals are more human than us.Humans have lost the emotional attachments, the only this that matters is the matter.
So, as a kid i was bullied and made fun of for my name. ya kids are stupid i know. but that was the innocence we require from this world. once i grew a little old i realize it matters more for a people to have a fair skin and money. if you have these two you get respected. I am sure every dark skinned person in India would realize what i am talking about. And the biggest curse is to be born as a girl and have dark skin. and the nick names you get, haha those will haunt you throughout your life.
This part is dedicated to all those dark skinned people who feel humiliated and cheated by life sometimes. My advice to you, i am sure you must have heard these thousand of times . "that dress wont go on you, as it doesn't suit your skin tone" .Don't react and just wear that dress with the confidence that you are the most sexy person that dress could ever be put on . and it isn't the dress that makes you beautiful it is the other way round. that's what i did , i changed my attitude . Now i have at least half of the peoples eye on me wondering "wow, he looks good who is he". So stop crying and start living. This was a perfect example of this materialistic world. doesn't matter if you are good at heart, or really polite and sweet . the only thing that matters is what you own and how you look. And I would like to finish this part by saying . You think you are ugly ? Yes you are , because you think you are . the only thing important is what you think , don't let this world doubt your beauty or your skills . God has made everyone perfect you just don't believe in yourself . So start believing .